Community Group

Novak/Perry Group

It's a fun community group, the age ranges from the 50's to the 60's and there is a couple in their 70's. We do life together, including ups and downs. We meet on Sundays 5-7 pm and we alternate between 3-4 houses in Keller, Grapevine and Colleyville, all houses within a 10 miles radius. We have 20 members but usually it's about 12-14 who will show up which makes our gatherings a perfect size for great discussions.

Group Details:

Campus: Colleyville
Schedule: Sunday at 5:00 PM
Childcare Provided: No
Age Range: 50's
Community: Colleyville
Meeting Status: In-Person
Community Group Type: Adults, Married


  • Zsuzsa Perry (Co-Leader)
  • Ralph Novak (Leader)
  • Paul Perry (Co-Leader)
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