Upcoming Events
At Compass



Student Conference 2025

  • Feb 28 at 6:00 PM
  • All Campuses

Financial Peace University

  • Colleyville

Financial Peace University

  • Roanoke

Financial Peace University

  • North Fort Worth

Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study

  • Feb 18 at 6:30 PM
  • Roanoke

Compass Women's Conference

  • Mar 28 at 6:30 PM
  • All Campuses

Select your Campus

To provide you with tailored events, please select your preferred church campus.



12 FEB

Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

 06:30AM Colleyville
12 FEB

Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

 09:15AM Colleyville
12 FEB

NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

 10:00AM North Fort Worth
13 FEB

NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

 06:30PM North Fort Worth
16 FEB

Rooted - Students

Rooted - Students

 09:30AM North Richland Hills
16 FEB



 10:00AM Colleyville
16 FEB

Faithworks Class | Colleyville

Faithworks Class | Colleyville

 10:00AM Colleyville
16 FEB

Rooted - Students

Rooted - Students

 10:00AM Colleyville
16 FEB

Starting Point - Pt 3: Serve

Starting Point - Pt 3: Serve

 10:00AM North Fort Worth
16 FEB

Starting Point - Pt 3: Serve

Starting Point - Pt 3: Serve

 10:00AM Roanoke
16 FEB

Rooted - Students

Rooted - Students

 05:00PM Roanoke
16 FEB

Rooted - Students

Rooted - Students

 06:00PM North Fort Worth
16 FEB

Young Adults Gathering

Young Adults Gathering

 06:30PM All Campuses
17 FEB

Vision Night

Vision Night

 06:30PM North Richland Hills
17 FEB

Compass Women MON Bible Study | CV | Winter

Compass Women MON Bible Study | CV | Winter

 07:00PM Colleyville
18 FEB

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery

 06:30PM Colleyville Child Care Provided
18 FEB



 06:30PM Colleyville
18 FEB



 06:30PM Colleyville
18 FEB

Marriage Class | 02.04.25

Marriage Class | 02.04.25

 06:30PM Roanoke
18 FEB

Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study

Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study

 06:30PM Roanoke
18 FEB

Compass Women NRH Bible Study | Tuesdays

Compass Women NRH Bible Study | Tuesdays

 07:00PM North Richland Hills
18 FEB

NFW Women's BSF Bible Study: Tuesday Evening

NFW Women's BSF Bible Study: Tuesday Evening

 07:00PM North Fort Worth
19 FEB

Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

 06:30AM Colleyville
19 FEB

Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

 09:15AM Colleyville
19 FEB

NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

 10:00AM North Fort Worth
20 FEB

Child Dedication

Child Dedication

 06:30PM Colleyville
20 FEB

NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

 06:30PM North Fort Worth
21 FEB

Compass Women NRH Bible Study | Fridays

Compass Women NRH Bible Study | Fridays

 09:00AM North Richland Hills
22 FEB

Child Dedication

Child Dedication

 05:00PM Roanoke
23 FEB

Child Dedication

Child Dedication

 08:30AM Colleyville
23 FEB

Child Dedication

Child Dedication

 08:30AM North Fort Worth
23 FEB

Child Dedication

Child Dedication

 10:00AM Colleyville
23 FEB



 10:00AM Colleyville
23 FEB

Faithworks Class | Colleyville

Faithworks Class | Colleyville

 10:00AM Colleyville
23 FEB

Starting Point - Pt 4: Worship

Starting Point - Pt 4: Worship

 10:00AM North Fort Worth
23 FEB

Starting Point - Pt 4: Worship

Starting Point - Pt 4: Worship

 10:00AM Roanoke
23 FEB

Child Dedication

Child Dedication

 11:30AM Colleyville
23 FEB

NRH Prayer Meeting

NRH Prayer Meeting

 05:00PM North Richland Hills
24 FEB

Compass Women MON Bible Study | CV | Winter

Compass Women MON Bible Study | CV | Winter

 07:00PM Colleyville
25 FEB

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery

 06:30PM Colleyville Child Care Provided
25 FEB



 06:30PM Colleyville
25 FEB



 06:30PM Colleyville
25 FEB

Marriage Class | 02.04.25

Marriage Class | 02.04.25

 06:30PM Roanoke
25 FEB

Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study

Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study

 06:30PM Roanoke
25 FEB

Vision Night

Vision Night

 06:30PM North Richland Hills
25 FEB

NFW Women's BSF Bible Study: Tuesday Evening

NFW Women's BSF Bible Study: Tuesday Evening

 07:00PM North Fort Worth
26 FEB

Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

 06:30AM Colleyville
26 FEB

Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

 09:15AM Colleyville
26 FEB

NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

 10:00AM North Fort Worth
27 FEB

Compass Kids Family Baptism Class

Compass Kids Family Baptism Class

 06:30PM Colleyville
27 FEB

NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

 06:30PM North Fort Worth
28 FEB

Student Conference 2025

Student Conference 2025

 06:00PM All Campuses
Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

A study of various topics and various books of the Bible.

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

Join us as we study, Abide by Jen Wilkin! How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth f...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

We invite you to join us on Wednesday mornings from 10am-noon as we study God's Word. We will be reading through the ...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

W.A.L.K WOMEN – ACCEPTED BY God, LOVED by GOD, KNOWN by God Join us as we study 12 Daring Women of the Bible by Lis...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Rooted - Students

A 6-week Discipleship Experience Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community, and your ...

Where:   North Richland Hills - North Richland Hills

The goal is simple: We want every Junior High student to know the reasons WHY following Jesus can change their life, ...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Faithworks Class | Colleyville

The Faithworks Class has been meeting for many years and typically is made up of empty nesters 55+, but anyone is inv...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Rooted - Students

A 6-week Discipleship Experience Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community, and your ...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Starting Point - Pt 3: Serve
Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Starting Point - Pt 3: Serve
Where:   Roanoke - Roanoke
Rooted - Students

A 6-week Discipleship Experience Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community, and your ...

Where:   Roanoke - Roanoke
Rooted - Students

A 6-week Discipleship Experience Rooted provides the opportunity to connect with God, the church community, and your ...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Young Adults Gathering
Where:   - All Campuses
Vision Night
Where:   North Richland Hills - North Richland Hills
Compass Women MON Bible Study | CV | Winter

Join us as we study the Gospel of John by Melissa Spoelstra. Life. It seems to move at a break-neck pace. Days are fi...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Celebrate Recovery

Tuesdays | 6:30pm | Compass Center | Auditorium 6:30pm Worship 7pm Lesson/Testimony 7:30 Gender Specific Small Group...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville

Find Help, Hope and Healing DivorceCare is a 13-week seminar/support group designed to help those experiencing separ...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville

GriefShare is a 13-week seminar and support group designed to help those grieving the death of a family member or lov...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Marriage Class | 02.04.25

Imagine a marriage with complete intimacy, vulnerability, transparency, and trust. Imagine a marriage rooted in faith...

Where:   Roanoke - Roanoke
Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study

This is the Women's Bible study that meets on Tuesday Nights at 6:30pm at the Roanoke Campus. We will be studying Cha...

Where:   Roanoke - Roanoke
Compass Women NRH Bible Study | Tuesdays

Old Testament heroes are best known for their most celebrated moments: Moses dividing the Red Sea; David slaying Goli...

Where:   North Richland Hills - North Richland Hills
NFW Women's BSF Bible Study: Tuesday Evening

Women of all ages around the world have the opportunity to study the Bible together, exploring the meaningful questio...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

A study of various topics and various books of the Bible.

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

Join us as we study, Abide by Jen Wilkin! How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth f...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

We invite you to join us on Wednesday mornings from 10am-noon as we study God's Word. We will be reading through the ...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Child Dedication

"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

W.A.L.K WOMEN – ACCEPTED BY God, LOVED by GOD, KNOWN by God Join us as we study 12 Daring Women of the Bible by Lis...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Compass Women NRH Bible Study | Fridays

Old Testament heroes are best known for their most celebrated moments: Moses dividing the Red Sea; David slaying Goli...

Where:   North Richland Hills - North Richland Hills
Child Dedication

"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to...

Where:   Roanoke - Roanoke
Child Dedication

"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Child Dedication

"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Child Dedication

"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville

The goal is simple: We want every Junior High student to know the reasons WHY following Jesus can change their life, ...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Faithworks Class | Colleyville

The Faithworks Class has been meeting for many years and typically is made up of empty nesters 55+, but anyone is inv...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Starting Point - Pt 4: Worship
Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Starting Point - Pt 4: Worship
Where:   Roanoke - Roanoke
Child Dedication

"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
NRH Prayer Meeting

Join us for a special time of prayer and focus for Compass NRH. Sunday, 5pm at the NRH Center Grand Hall.

Where:   North Richland Hills - North Richland Hills
Compass Women MON Bible Study | CV | Winter

Join us as we study the Gospel of John by Melissa Spoelstra. Life. It seems to move at a break-neck pace. Days are fi...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Celebrate Recovery

Tuesdays | 6:30pm | Compass Center | Auditorium 6:30pm Worship 7pm Lesson/Testimony 7:30 Gender Specific Small Group...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville

Find Help, Hope and Healing DivorceCare is a 13-week seminar/support group designed to help those experiencing separ...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville

GriefShare is a 13-week seminar and support group designed to help those grieving the death of a family member or lov...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Marriage Class | 02.04.25

Imagine a marriage with complete intimacy, vulnerability, transparency, and trust. Imagine a marriage rooted in faith...

Where:   Roanoke - Roanoke
Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study

This is the Women's Bible study that meets on Tuesday Nights at 6:30pm at the Roanoke Campus. We will be studying Cha...

Where:   Roanoke - Roanoke
Vision Night
Where:   North Richland Hills - North Richland Hills
NFW Women's BSF Bible Study: Tuesday Evening

Women of all ages around the world have the opportunity to study the Bible together, exploring the meaningful questio...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Mordecai Men: Wednesday Morning Bible Study

A study of various topics and various books of the Bible.

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
Compass Women WED Bible Study | CV | Winter

Join us as we study, Abide by Jen Wilkin! How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth f...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
NFW Wednesday Women's Bible Study

We invite you to join us on Wednesday mornings from 10am-noon as we study God's Word. We will be reading through the ...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Compass Kids Family Baptism Class

Are your elementary age kids asking about baptism? Or even just more about Jesus? We would love to invite them and yo...

Where:   Colleyville - Colleyville
NFW Women's Bible Study - Thursday at 6:30pm

W.A.L.K WOMEN – ACCEPTED BY God, LOVED by GOD, KNOWN by God Join us as we study 12 Daring Women of the Bible by Lis...

Where:   North Fort Worth - North Fort Worth
Student Conference 2025
Where:   - All Campuses