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Compass Kids Camp Preview Night

Come see a preview of what WinShape Camps for Communities is all about!

WinShape Camps is for completed Kinder - completed 5th grade.

Roanoke Campus

Chick-fil-A Roanoke

  • Once at 3/27/2023 4:00 PM

We are so excited about WinShape Camps for Communities coming to our campus again this summer (June 12 - 16). They are coming in March to give us a sneak peek at what camp is all about! Drop by anytime between 4-6pm - you will receive an updated email on times, but we would love to make it a community event to learn about WinShape! 

Anyone who registers during Road Rally will have a reduced registration deposit of $25 (cost of camp is still $230)!

Registration closed on Monday, March 27, 2023

Sarah Lewis