1000 Tables

Throughout history, the church has been centered around the table. Jesus sat at the table with his disciples, friends, family, and strangers.
The gospel spread from table to table, from one home to the next.
When we set a table and share a meal, we create a space where people feel loved, and the spirit of God can move. Our goal as a church is to open our homes to our neighbors and host 1,000 by Easter. 1,000 tables where we share a meal, learn each other’s stories, and pray for one another. Let’s love our neighbors and host 1,000 tables.


"Radically ordinary hospitality shows this skeptical, post-Christian world what authentic Christianity looks like"
-Rosaria Butterfield

Meals bring you close. They show you who the person sitting across from you truly is. Sharing a meal is central to tables.

We all have stories from our days and weeks. Sharing these brings us close and helps us know what each other is carrying. 

We believe prayer before, during, or after the table gathering is significant. Pray for your guests and watch God work. 

Remember your table gathering by snapping a photo of your group and sending it by email to [email protected]


Table Questions


What's your favorite place you've visited? 


If you had to teach a class for a day, what subject would you choose?  


What was the highlight of your past week? 


What advice would you give to your younger self? 


What's your favorite time of the year? 


What do you hope to have accomplished 5 years from now? 
